Vibration Mitigation for Amusement Parks
Along with thrills and entertainment, amusement park rides must also be safe, provide an appropriate level of comfort, and avoid unplanned downtime. Through reduction of the transmission of shock and vibration, wire rope isolators can help attain all 3 objectives. Some of the most popular theme park attractions that can benefit from these solutions include:
Simulators and Motion Rides
Amusement parks often feature motion simulators and rides — like flight or driving experiences — replicating realistic movements. These attractions involve hydraulic systems, moving platforms and complex components that generate vibrations and shock. Rope isolation equipment can help mitigate these vibrations, providing visitors with a smoother and more immersive experience.
Roller Coasters and Flat Rides
Roller coasters and flat rides that incorporate small electronics in the ride vehicle contend with shock and vibration that can be mitigated by implementing wire rope isolators. These solutions help isolate the sensitive components from external vibrations caused by the ride's structure and function.