Integrated Electronics Access & Protection Systems
We are in the unique position of being able to decrease production times and costs by vastly reducing effort spent managing multiple suppliers for one single system. IDC is now part of a larger organization that aims to be the premier “One-Touch” provider of mechanically integrated electronics systems for land, sea, air, and space applications.
Our experience with shock and vibration attenuation at various depths and altitudes provides a platform for effortless integration when considering the requirements of your project. Working with our partner companies to provider rugged and shielded electronic enclosures in various sizes and configurations, as well as the premier hardware provider for rack-mounted electronics, is our way of assuming the risk of your project while streamlining production.
No other manufacturer in this space can offer what we offer, all while being built completely within our facility walls. Our aligned partnerships guarantee 99% vertical integration, from engineering and design to production without changing hands. The goal of our organization is to give our customers products that are the result of the most meticulous engineering and effortless integration for ease of service and interchangeability. We’re looking to build strong partnerships with our customers, and encourage them to get us involved as early in the design phase as possible, so that we can share our wealth of knowledge surrounding these products, in hopes that we give our end users a safe, durable, and effective solution.