Author: Chase Stehman

MIL-STD-167: Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment

Wherever military vessels go, they are exposed to some form of vibrations on their journey. It is essential to ensure the onboard equipment can remain operational despite these conditions, which is where MIL-STD-167 vibration testing standards come into play. MIL-STD-167, or the Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment, is a military standard the United States Department […]

What Is MIL-DTL-901E Testing?

Naval engineering is a complex field, and every piece of equipment must be designed to withstand worst-case scenarios while maintaining safety and functionality in the most rugged environments. The MIL-DTL-901E standard describes shock testing methods for mission critical equipment installed on naval ships. To pass 901 shock testing, equipment must survive considerable forces and often […]

Protecting Sensitive Equipment From Vibration and Shock

Shielding sensitive electronic equipment from damaging vibrations is paramount in many industries. The equipment can malfunction or fail without adequate protection, potentially putting people at risk. It can also degrade much faster, resulting in additional maintenance and replacement costs and associated downtime. Excessive vibration may damage electronic boards and components, causing them to loosen or […]

What is Shock Isolation?

What is Shock Isolation and Why is it Important? Shock requires management in several industries, particularly in complex mechanical systems. Reducing the severity and effects of shock is critical to human and equipment safety. Shock isolation systems can mitigate the damage caused by sudden energy pulses in many applications, including aerospace, transportation, military and defense. […]

Effects of Vibration on the Human Body

Effects of Vibration on the Body Consider all the different types of vibration you encounter on a daily basis. You might use a vibrating massage gun to work out muscle cramps, or you might use an electric grinder to grind your coffee beans. If you work in a particularly demanding field, such as the military, […]

What to Consider When Picking A Vibration Isolator

How to Choose the Right Isolator If you need assistance determining what vibration isolator you should use, there are a few elements you should know before beginning your search. The right isolator for your equipment will be able to handle the load that your equipment produces, fit the space and support any special requirements that […]

What is Vibration Isolation

What is Vibration Isolation? Unwanted vibrations can cause serious harm to mechanical systems, which is why implementing a means of reducing vibration is so important. Vibration isolation mitigates vibration-caused damage in applications across a wide variety of industries, from aerospace to defense. This post will provide a comprehensive definition and explanation of vibration isolation, including how it works […]

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